Our little slice of paradise
Nestled in the back hills of Coudersport, PA, is one of my favorite places to go. It’s a humble abode sitting in a small hallow. Just the basic comforts—indoor plumbing, hot water, heat—makes this a perfect place to get away from it all. There is no cellular service, TV, cable, or satellite. If it snows heavily enough, you aren’t going anywhere by car for a while.
It’s not very big. Only a few hundred square feet. The main living area includes two sofas and Opa’s orange chair (living room), a short firehall type table and metal folding chairs (the dining room), and a small area big enough for one person in which to cook (the kitchen). There are two small bedrooms with bunkbeds—the gas chamber and the suite. I sleep in the suite. Opa did, too. Cousins Robbie and Chris stay in the chamber. Dad sleeps on the couch. It’s too bad it stays locked up for most of the year.
I really enjoy going with my sons. The older two love it there and are always happy to go. It’s nice to see them having fun without electronic devices. I also love that this tiny piece of paradise is being passed down to yet another generation.
My Great-Grandfather, William P. Forker, Sr., first bought this land in 1950. He came up often to hunt, staying in a tiny shack until this cabin was built. His photo hangs as a reminder of where we came from. Opa’s photo now hangs next to it. I guess it’s become a memorial.
Power cut, I usually sit near the top in the woods to the left during deer season We do lots of shooting Saw this little guy scurry into this hole on a walk Downtown Coudersport Downtown Coudersport