I’ve come to a point in my life where I really value time with my family more than ever. Most of my time outside of work is spent doing things with the boys. We are always doing something on the weekends—camping, hiking, some sort of service project, going to the cabin, or just being outdoors. This was near impossible when I worked for myself, relying on photographing weddings as my main source of income.

I don’t want to miss these amazing years as they grow into amazing young men. I wanted to be fully present during all of the important milestones, big or small, in their lives. Working for oneself is more than a 40-hour job. It’s constant, never ending. Now, I’m leaving all that behind.

My career has taken a lot of different turns over the past 26 years. I’ve had job titles galore; graphic designer, art director, teacher, business owner/photographer, and now, just photographer. Finally, after many jobs with such different dynamics, I love my job! There is a lot of flexibility in my schedule, allowing for a lot of time at home. My last job shooting for an auction house sucked in that there was no flexibility in my day-to-day schedule. I like to get up early, get started early, and finish early. I was putting in 50+ hours a week because no matter how early I arrived, I had to stay until 5:00PM. It was in Harrisburg, and the drive home was almost an hour, leaving very little time at home to do fun things. Anyhow, my new job is great! I get in early, and am home shortly after the kids are off the bus, before 4:00PM. Fridays are usually a half day because I start early, and stay a little longer than eight hours early in the week. It usually adds up to a half day on Fridays.

It’s time to slim down—my gut and creative endeavors. Time to simplify my daily distractions, focus on what really matters.

I get to shoot a lot of food! Although, I wouldn’t eat this. It’s shaving cream in there!

So, this blog thing. What is it? Now that I have a job that is truly amazing, I have no need for my many other websites and brands. I don’t do weddings anymore, so Double H Media can go away. I don’t shoot for myself commercially to the point I need a dedicated website, so that one can go away. Finally, I hate howiehartman.com. (Stupid nickname. I wish I had just stayed with Harold.) I just wanted to narrow everything into one presence. A photographic journey with the things I love—family, career, camping, backpacking, cycling, Scouting, art, and great friends. Unum lumen. One light.

I hope you stop by often. I hope I can keep fresh posts happening that bring you back for more. Leave some input—feedback is a gift!